Finer Details by Ultra-fine Compression Spot.

xTool accessories help you create greator work. xTool goes a level up on the aesthetics of D1 Pro by offering it in red-gold or gray-silver colors. xTool D1 Pro 2 in 1 Kit xTool D1 Will the xTool D1 configuration file for Lightburn work with the xTool D1 pro?. Quickly connect the xTool D1 to your smartphone/computer/tablet via WiFi, upload pictures to the Laserbox basic software, edit them. Lightburn compatibility was just released for the D1, so I was taking it for a spin. Download the project file to the local disk, and then import it on XCS. 🆕 1064nm Infrared Laser Module - Start Jewelcrafting with All-Metal Engraving Learn More. Rather tickled pink to discover email from XTool Support with a FedEx tracking number that would. Will the xTool D1 configuration file for Lightburn work with the xTool D1 pro?. xTool D1 Diode Laser | RA2 Pro Rotary Attachment | Let's Engrave Some Glass. (5) Select the Roller or Catch mode according to the components or modules you are using.

D1 Pro Engraving and Cutting Parameters for Reference.